
Exchange of Probes, Learnings and Outputs of Researches

Project Information

Category: Agriculture and Fisheries
Subcategory: Policy Review/Analysis and Evaluation

Evaluation of DAS™ kits for the detection of food-borne pathogens in chicken- and meat-based street-vended foods

Conducted by DOST CALABARZON , Started on 2012 - Completed on 2013
Completed Published Total Page Views : 1054 Total Likes : 201 Like

The PCR-based method has gained acceptability as an alternative method for assessing the microbial safety of foods. In this study, the performance of PCR-based DNA Amplification System™ (DAS™) detection kits, namely, E. coli DAS™, S. aureus DAS™, E. coli O157:H7 DAS™ and Salmonella DAS™, were compared with reference methods in detecting the pathogens Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, E. coli O157:H7 and Salmonella spp. in 130 naturally- and artificially-contaminated chicken and meat-based grilled and fried street food samples. E. coli DAS™ displayed very good agreement with the reference method with a kappa value of 0.92 in chicken-based samples. S. aureus DAS™ also demonstrated very good agreement with the same kappa value of 0.92 but in meat-based samples. On the other hand, E. coli O157:H7 DAS™ and Salmonella DAS™ exhibited lower kappa values ranging from 0.67 to 0.76 in both food types. E. coli DAS™_ obtained a high relative accuracy of 96% in chicken-based samples. S. aureus DAS™ also obtained a similar relative accuracy value of 96% but in meat-based samples. In terms of relative sensitivity, E. coli DAS™ and E. coli O157:H7 DAS™ showed high values of 96% and 95%, respectively, in chicken-based samples. Furthermore, E. coli DAS™, S. aureus DAS™ and Salmonella DAS™ demonstrated high relative specificities of 97%, 100% and 96% in chicken-, chicken-meat and meat-based samples, respectively. The performance of these kits was found to vary with food matrix, enrichment and cell-lysing procedures. Inclusion of internal amplification control, using more effective cell-lysing and enrichment procedures are suggested to enhance the overall performance of the kits.

Lydia S. Manguiat & Tony J. Fang
Institution: Department of Science & Technology 4A & National Chung Hsing University.
Contribution of each author: Lead Author & Corresponding Author
Street food vendors
Fund Source
No. of Patents
No. of Utility Models
How to Cite
Journal of Food and Drug Analysis ISSN: 1021-9498 Publisher: Elsevier Taiwan LLC Journal. Website : www.elsevier.com/locate/fm

Agency Details

Department of Science & Technology - Region 4A
Jamboree Road, Brgy. Timugan, Los Baños, Laguna
Phone: (049) 536-4894
Email: [email protected]