Conducted by BatStateU
, Started on 2016 -
Completed on 2017
Total Page Views : 690
Total Likes : 154
The micro businesses, generally, are any business enterprise whose total assets do not exceed Three Million Pesos (Php 3,000,000.00). Just like any other businesses, they also encounter challenges that greatly affect their business growth and performance. As for today, it is observed that micro businesses are failing due to bankruptcy. On the other hand, it is proven that budgetary control is a powerful tool for business management while profitability has the ability to realize an immediate return over and above cost to be considered as profitable. This study aims to analyze the extent of implementation of budgetary control and the profitability of selected micro businesses in Batangas City. Specifically, it relates to the following: the profile of micro businesses in terms of years of operation, nature of business, and geographical location; extent of budgetary control implementation in terms of setting financial goals, forecasting future financial resources and needs, monitoring and controlling income and expenditures, and evaluating performance; and profitability of micro businesses in terms of revenue, cost, and income. It will also determine the extent of implementation of budgetary control and the level of profitability of micro businesses in Batangas City, as well as the establishment of the relationship between the former and the latter. Survey questionnaire was the main instrument used by the researchers to gather the primary data while secondary data are from other, but reliable sources that were used to support the study. These were distributed to 293 and 37 micro businesses from urban and rural barangays, respectively. Through these, researchers were able to identify the relationship between the extent of budgetary control implementation and pr ofitability of these micro businesses and the difference on the profitability of micro businesses when grouped according to profile. The statistical tools utilized in this study were independent t-test, pearson r, one-way analysis of variance, percentage and weighted mean. At the end of this descriptive study the following findings were drawn: most micro businesses are operating between 6-10 years, engaged in merchandising and geographically located in urban barangays, implements budgetary control to a great extent, and respondents also agreed that they are profitable. It is also revealed that there is no significant difference on the profitability when grouped according to profile. On the other hand, a significant relationship between the extent of implementation of budgetary control and profitability of these micro businesses were found. The researchers then developed their information/campaign materials such as: pamphlet and module, to guide business owners and business owners to-be.