Conducted by BatStateU
, Started on 2013 -
Completed on 2014
Total Page Views : 787
Total Likes : 142
Poultry is a great potential industry particularly in Batangas Province. The method
of feeding chicken needs to be considered as chicken must be fed regularly to be more productive. The
conventional method of feeding chicken is the need to continuously provide the food, be alert and
conscious on the food remaining in cages and to feed the chickens in a correct period of time to avoid the
decline of the production. Growers also find it difficult to manage their businesses effectively because
they need to be around the cages every now and then to monitor the poultry. Timing and exactness are the
key to provide a uniform time in feeding the chickens. This will benefit the owner of the business in terms
of time and effort. Another advantage of this project is in terms of savings to the owner of the poultry
This technology was designed to automatically feed chickens at a given period of time and to give
alarm when the feeds are running out of supply. The power to be supplied to this prototype will be drawn
from the sun by means of solar panels and will be stored in typical car battery. The feeds will be stored in
a container and evenly distributed by using a conveyor to the feeding basin of the poultry. It will be more
efficient than manual conventional way of feeding because less effort will be needed in feeding the
chickens and less feeds will be wasted. In addition to that, the stored power can also be used for lighting
purposes for the growers to save energy and energy bills.