
Exchange of Probes, Learnings and Outputs of Researches

Project Information

Category: Other Related Development Researches
Subcategory: Education

On Triangular and Trapezoidal Numbers

Conducted by BatStateU , Started on 2013 - Completed on 2014
Completed Published Total Page Views : 720 Total Likes : 157 Like

The nth triangular number, denoted by T (n), is defined as the sum of the first
consecutive positive integers. It can be represented in the form of a triangular grid of points. As
a result, this study discusses the triangular numbers and its properties. To distinguish whether a
positive integer N is a triangular number or not, it has to comply with 8N + 1 which is a perfect
square; characteristics of odd and even triangular numbers; sum of two consecutive triangular
numbers with same parity i.e., the formula for
2 T(4c 1)  T(4c)  (4c)
where c ≥ 1 and
2 T(4c 1)  T(4c  2)  (4c  2)
where c ≥ 0; and introduces the new figurative numbers through
deriving the formula of triangular number, Trapezoidal Number- an integer of
T(n) 1
, denoted
by T* (n)and Diamond Number- an integer of
2T(n)  n
, denoted by D (n).

Daryl Magpantay
Pearl Joyce Berana
Jomari Montalbo

Fund Source
Batangas State University
No. of Patents
No. of Utility Models
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Agency Details

Batangas State University - Main Campus
Rizal Avenue Extension, Batangas City
Phone: (043) 3002 202
Email: [email protected]