Conducted by LSPU Siniloan
, Started on 2016 -
Completed on 2017
Total Page Views : 565
Total Likes : 102
The bioaccumulation of Pb and associated human health risks were investigated in the freshwater
Asian clams (Corbicula fluminea) harvested from different coastal areas of Laguna de Bay,
Philippines. Pb concentrations (mg kg-1) in pooled clam soft tissue samples were determined
through atomic absorption spectrometry. The mean [Pb] in clam samples obtained from sampling
zones near the urbanized towns of Los Baños (1.04±0.06) and Calamba (0.87±0.01) were relatively
higher as compared to the clam samples collected adjacent to the rural towns of Bay (0.71±0.02),
Victoria (0.75±0.10), and Kalayaan (0.66±0.03). All estimated dietary index (EDI) of [Pb] for both
average clam consumers (0.76-1.00) and heavy clam consumers (1.13-2.00) exceeded the permissible
limits for human consumption set by international regulatory agencies. Subsequent estimates of
target hazard quotient (THQ) and target cancer risk (TR) showed higher scores for samples from
Los Baños (THQ= 0.2-0.5). However, all computed THQs and TRs were within the threshold level,
apparently suggesting the absence of potential non-carcinogenic and carcinogenic health effects
on exposed human population. Meanwhile, the demonstration by Asian clams to efficiently
accumulate Pb highlights their potential use