Conducted by CvSU
Completed on 2012
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The agronomic performance of the three Japonica varieties was evaluated. The crop management of the three Japonica rice varieties was basically similar with that of Indica rice. The cost of production of the Japonica varieties were slightly higher because of the additional cost spent in threshing due to their shattering-resistant property. In 2012WS, the yield of the three Japonica rice were significantly lower than that of the popular variety in Cavite (NSIC Rc160) and the newly released variety (NSIC Rc240). Of the three Japonica varieties, NSIC Rc170 had the highest yield which reached up to 2,718 kg.ha-1. On the other hand, the maximum yield of NSIC Rc220 SR and NSIC Rc242 SR were 2,415.76 kg.ha-1 and 1,916.46 kg.ha-1 respectively. The yield of NSIC Rc160 and NSIC Rc240 were 37% and 57% higher than NSIC RC170. In 2013DS, the yield of Japonica varieties were comparable with that of NSIC Rc160 and NSIC Rc240 which reached up to 5,783 kg.ha-1. The low yield of the three Japonica varieties during the 2012WS was validated in 2013WS. NSIC RC170 had 2,171.25 kg•ha-1 and NSIC Rc220 SR had 1,730.25 kg•ha-1. . Economic analysis of the 2012WS rice production showed that of the three Japonica rice varieties, only NSIC RC170 had potential income.