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Project Information

Category: Agriculture and Fisheries
Subcategory: Crop Science

Bat Guano Levels of Application Influencing Carrot (Daucus carota L.) Growth and Yield Performance

Conducted by NwSSU Completed on 2018
Completed Published Total Page Views : 481 Total Likes : 93 Like

Carrot (Daucus carota L.) is considered a high value crop in the Philippines. Application of organic
fertilizer such as bat guano (BG) is important in carrot root production because of the presence of higher N. But mixture of BG to garden soil (GS) as a medium should be considered to come up with greater efficiency of nutrient release. Thus, this study was conducted to determine the optimum level of BG on the growth performance and root development of carrot, and to evaluate the chemical properties of soil as influenced by BG. The experiment was laid out in randomized complete block design (RCBD) with four treatments which were replicated three times. The treatments tested were composed of T1 - control, T2 - 3 part BG:I part GS, T3 - 2 part BG:2 pan GS, T4 - 1 part BG:3 pan GS. Data on plant height, number of leaves, weight, length of roots and shoulder root circumference, fresh and oven-dried of foliage weight, and chemical properties of soil were subjected to analysis of variance in RCBD. The application of BG had significantly influenced the pH, 0M, N and available P and K of soil, foliage fresh (FVV) and oven dry weight (ODW) of foliage, length and shoulder circumference of root, and yield of carrot. Optimum ratio was observed in 1:3 part of BG to GS (T4) ratio which had heavier foliage mass, longer and broader shoulder circumference of roots, and higher yield as compared to other BG treatments (T 2 and T3) and the non-treated (T1). Bat guano application had achieved the lowest percent of sugar conversion relative to the control.

Derby E. Poliquit
Eugene S. Calong
Fund Source
Northwest Samar State University, San Jorge Campus, Samar, Philippines
No. of Patents
No. of Utility Models
How to Cite
Poliquit, D., & Calong, E. (2018). Bat Guano Levels of Application Influencing Carrot (Daucus carota L.) Growth and Yield Performance. COUNTRYSIDE DEVELOPMENT RESEARCH JOURNAL, 6(01), 23-29.
Keywords: Bat guano, optimum level, protective structure, pot experiment

Agency Details

Northwest Samar State University
Rueda St., Brgy Balud, Calbayog City, Samar
Phone: (055) 209-3657 ; (055) 533-9857
Email: [email protected]