Conducted by BIPSU
, Started on 2016 -
Completed on 2016
Total Page Views : 511
Total Likes : 82
The tropical rainforests in Southeast Asia consist of diverse Dipterocarpaceae species. In
the Philippines, Shorea contorta is one of the most economically and ecologically important
dipterocarps. Presently, its long-term survival is critically endangered and the remaining
genetic resources are assumed to be under pressure. In this study, we cross-amplify 23 Shorea
microsatellites in S. contorta. The polymorphic loci were selected and characterized using
planted and natural populations of the studied species. Results revealed a high success rate
for cross-species amplification (78.26%). The ten (10) polymorphic microsatellites showed
a mean number (Na) and effective number (Ne) of alleles of 6.00 and 2.75, respectively.
The mean values for observed (Ho) and expected (He) heterozygosities were 0.45 and 0.47,
respectively. In general, these microsatellites are useful for population genetic studies in S.