Conducted by NwSSU
, Started on 2018 -
Completed on 2019
Total Page Views : 508
Total Likes : 123
The physico-chemical properties, microbiological quality and protective structures of deep-well water sources in selected urban barangays of Calbayog City, Samar, Philippines were evaluated. Results revealed that physico-chemical characteristics of deep well water sources in barangays Aguit-itan, West Awang, Central and East Awang in terms of pH, temperature and total dissolved solid passed the permissible limits of the Philippine National Standards for Drinking Water (PNSDW). However, turbidity, salinity, dissolved oxygen, biochemical oxygen demand and total suspended solids exceeded the PNSDW. For Microbiological analysis (MPN/100 mL) such as total coliform, E.coli and fecal coliforms, results were beyond the PNSDW. Water samples were contaminated with different microbial contaminants and not acceptable for drinking and cooking purposes. Deep-well water sources of the four selected urban barangays are not suitable for drinking if untreated but can be used for bathing and washing clothes. Protective structures help minimized adulterations but with the presence of houses nearby the deep-wells and the establishment of septic tanks in near houses may leak and contaminate the deep-well water source and could result to presence of fecal coliforms.